Welcome to the 2025 INTBAU Events and Activities list. Be sure to mark your calendar and stay tuned for updates as we continue to add exciting events throughout the year.
Contact: info@intbau.org
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Did you know that there are several ways to get involved with INTBAU?
INTBAU (International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism) promotes the value of traditional architecture and urbanism in modern society. We work to preserve and revitalise built heritage, while advocating for sustainable, people-centred design solutions.
General Membership is FREE. It is the simplest way to join our network of over 10,000 members worldwide and get involved in our international programmes. We encourage people of all backgrounds and experiences to get involved in our network. Visit: General Membership | INTBAU.
Professional Membership: The INTBAU College of Traditional Practitioners is a peak international professional body for practitioners in traditional urban design, architecture, and the building arts. Learn more at: Professional Membership | INTBAU.
INTBAU 2025 Events and Activities
- Webinar: A Sense of Proportion and Puritanical Love of Simplicity: The Life and Work of C F A Voysey. UK, 23 January.
- Deadline: INTBAU Grassroots Grant Programme. 19 January.
- Deadline: Call for Entries to submit proposals for the 2022-2025 Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition. 4 February.
- Webinar: The Architecture of Place, in conversation with Minty Sainsbury. 4 February.
- Webinar: The Architecture of Place, in conversation with Safoura Zahedi. 11 February.
- Conference: 1er Congrès des maires de la renaissance urbain Pour un Nouvel Urbanisme. 11 February. Le Plessis-Robinson, France.
- Webinar: ‘The Value of Tradition: a personal journey’ by Hugh Petter. 13 February.
- Webinar: Open Table discussion on Traditional Architecture and Urban Design Summer Schools. 18 February.
- Webinar: The Architecture of Place, in conversation with Sara Bega. 20 February.
- Deadline: International competition for architecture students ‘Reinterpreting Tradition: Contemporary Insights Towards Buttoned Houses Technique,’ 14 March.
- Seminar: How We Create More Beautiful Cities, Part 1. Berlin, Germany, 15 March.
- Workshop: Designing Humane Places – The Science Behind Architectural Experience, 29 March, Boston, USA.
- Deadline: Call for articles of the Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism. 30 March.
- Seminar: How We Create More Beautiful Cities, Part 2. Berlin, Germany, 12 April.
- Exhibition: Outside-in & Inside-out, by INTBAU Ireland. 21 April – 16 May, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- The Norwegian Symposium of Beauty in Architecture. Oslo, Norway, 2-4 May (With the participation of INTBAU members).
- Seminar: How We Create More Beautiful Cities, Part 3. Berlin, Germany, 10 May.
- Workshop: Introduction to carpentry. Everbeek, Belgium. 9 to 13 June.
- Seminar: How We Create More Beautiful Cities, Part 4. Berlin, Germany, 21 June.
- INTBAU Mexico Summer School of Traditional Architecture and Urbanism. 22 June – 5 July, Oaxaca, Mexico.
- INTBAU Austria Summer Academy 2025: How to Plan a City of Human Scale. Salzburg, Austria, 2-4 July.
- Citymakers Collective Summer Studio 25. USA. 6-20 July.
- Iberian Traditional Architecture Summer School. Spain, 7-20 July.
- ‘Let’s Build a Beautiful City’ Sumer School. Netherlands, 21 July to 7 August.
- Bruges Summer School of Architecture and Crafts. Belgium, 1-15 August.
- Workshop: Introduction to ironwork. Oostrozebeke, Belgium. 18 to 22 August.
- Conques Summer School in Vernacular Architecture. France, 29 August to 9 September.
- Summer Academy for Classical Architecture and Urban Planning. Potsdam, Germany, 8–12 September.
- IMCL – International Making Cities Livable Conference. Potsdam, Germany, 12–14 September.
- INTBAU World Congress 2025. London, UK, 23-24 October.
- Sixth Conference on Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism. Spain, 14-16 November.
This exhibition will showcase exceptional designs for new buildings, created by two talented students of architecture, both with strong connections to Belfast. The event reflects the recent worldwide resurgence of beauty in built environments.
Venue: 2RA (2 Royal Avenue), Belfast’s premier cultural hub
Date: Monday, 21st April 2025 – Friday, 16th May 2025
Time: Open throughout the exhibition period
Join us to explore and celebrate architectural beauty.
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