
A guide to tertiary institutions teaching New Urbanism and/or traditional design. Please help keep this list current by sending us any updates.


Queensland University and Prince’s Trust Australia 

Enduring Design Masterclass

An intensive accredited programme that provides built environment students, apprentices and professionals with a practical understanding of traditional building techniques and knowledge; from timber-framing and stonemasonry skills through to Indigenous perspectives and enduring design philosophies. Find out more here.


Center for Design at Unieuro University (Brasilia)

Faculty contacts:

Pedro P. Palazzo
teaches Architectural History and Art History. Though historic styles are not supported at all by the design professors, in the history sequence he is working with other faculty to provide students with a practical grasp on traditional composition, construction and detailing.  In addition, Palazzo is assigning design projects to his history students in order to develop their sensitivity towards tradition in general and classicism in particular, with “fine results so far (especially considering the absence of local examples of ‘old buildings’)”.

In addition, the curriculum has had a strong emphasis on traditional urbanism, taught by one of the current program directors, Prof. Maria Elaine Kohlsdorf.

Faculty contacts:

Pedro P. Palazzo

Professor of Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism


University of British Columbia Urban Studio (Vancouver, BC)

The UBC Urban Studio is a joint effort of the UBC Schools of Architecture, Community and Regional Planning, and the Landscape Architecture Program. Professors are Ron Walkey, (School of Architecture), Penny Gurstein (School of Community and Regional Planning); Patrick Condon and Joanne Proft (Landscape Architecture Program).

Faculty contact:

Patrick M. Condon

James Taylor Chair in Landscape and Liveable Environments

University of Calgary Faculty of Environmental Design (Alberta)

Masters Degree program in Urban Design, in the interdisciplinary Faculty of Environmental Design (graduate programs in urban design, architecture, environmental science, industrial design, and planning). The Urban Design Lab, located in downtown Calgary, conducts applied research projects in urban design and community planning, and offers several outreach programs.

Faculty contact:

Bev Sandalack

Director Urban Design Program and Urban Design Lab


Université Grenoble Alpes – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble3

Faculty contacts:

Stéphane Sadoux is director of the laboratoire Cultures Constructives and teaches traditional urbanism in the architecture school and has many links with New Urbanists and traditional architects around Europe.

Alumni contacts:
Cécile Devemey, ex Fairfax & Sammons, now practicing in Orleans, France


Technische Universitat Berlin Merged Civil Engineering and Applied Geosciences and Architecture – Environment – Society Department19

From Autumn 2006 a new Master of Urban Design programme will commence at the Instituts für Stadt- und Regionalplanung (ISR) at the Technical University of Berlin.  The Master of Urban Design is a consecutive Master’s degree for students holding a Bachelor’s degree.

Faculty contacts:

Harald Bodenschatz

Professor, Publications Board, CEU Management Committee

University of Dortmund Lehrstuhl Entwerfen und Städtebau ES19

Professor Mäckler has been head of the Design and Urban Development section of the Department of Architecture and Engineering since 2003.

His built work and that of his colleague, Paul Kahlfeldt, includes traditional influences.  Michael Stojan has been an invited lecturer on topics such as the gartenstadt of the early 20th century, the point de vue  a forgotten highlight of urban design – and the “new” urbanism of the 80s in Europe.

Wolfgang S√∂nne, Christoph Mäckler, Hans Stimmann and Bernd Reiff recently founded the new Dortmunder Institut für Stadtbaukunst (Dortmund Institute for the Art of Urban Design) which has already received attention in the German press.

Now with the new lecture series Dortmunder Vorträge Stadtbaukunst (Dortmund lectures on the Art of Urban Design) the four have started a public forum where the most urgent problems of present urban design are tackled. This series will continue over the following semesters and will be published twice a year. The aim is to find ways to build sustainable and beautiful cities, following the principles of the Council for European Urbanism.

Faculty contacts:

Christoph Mäckler: Prof. Dipl. – Eng. Arch., Chair of Urban Design (Städtebau)

Paul Kahlfeldt: Prof. Dr. – Eng. Arch.

Wolfgang Sonne: Prof. Dr.

Michael Stojan: Dipl.-Ing. Past Visiting Lecturer, CEU member


Technische Universiteit Delft7

One of a very few European institutions with individuals “not unsympathetic to traditional architecture and urbanism”.

Faculty contacts:

Henko Bekkering, Director, Department of Town Planning,

Paul Drewe, Town Planning,


University of Isfahan Traditional Structures Centre

The Traditional Structures Centre in the University of Isfahan is the only centre in Iran dedicated to structural research into historical buildings.  We understand that they work intensely in teaching traditional design, and are working on restoration and study of historical monuments. They have also been researching the geometric proportions of traditional Islamic architecture.

Faculty contacts:

Dr Mehrdad Hejazi, Head of Traditional Structures Centre


Politecnico di Bari 25
Dipartimento ICAR *V*

The Politecnico di Bari maintains a leading research department in the computer aided design and manufacture of natural stone. Research in the ICAR Department under Prof. Giuseppe Fallacara focusses on stereotomy and the use of stone in traditional structures. Design studies focus on the traditional urbanism of the Puglia region and Mediterranean territories.

Introduced in 2005-2006, is the BA Degree in Architecture- Curriculum Classico, a new venture – taught in Italian – that aims to the formation of a professional who integrates the architect’s basic knowledge, as defined by the recent national and European directives, with specific knowledge in the ancient, in historical, archaeological and methodological.

Faculty contacts:

Giuseppe Fallacara, Professor, INTBAU Italia board

Claudio d’Amato Guerrieri, Professor, Member ICTP

University of Bologna 1,2
Department of Architecture and Territorial Planning

Faculty contact:

Cristiana Bartolomei, teaches Drawing and Measured Drawing, INTBAU Member

University of Ferrara 1,2, 25
Department of Architecture

The University of Ferrara has 5 year program of Urban Architecture at the School of Engineering that focuses on New Urbanism. UF also hosts the Italian Chapter of the Council for European Urbanism, and produces the ‘Urban Lovers’ newsletter.

Faculty contacts:

Gabriele Tagliaventi, A Vision of Europe, CEU

Politecnico di Milano 25
Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria Delle Costruzioni & Design

The Politecnico di Milano hosts the Department of Design where Prof. Giuseppe Amoruso leads researches on architectural and town measured drawing, historic centers documentation and restoration design, computer drawing and representation techniques, traditional arts and color design.
His latest research is about guidelines & digital media in the field of archeological finds and architectural heritage documentation and measured drawing (photogrammetry, laser scanning, 3D modeling) and the practice of perspective-based illusory design in the fields of interior design and scenography.

Faculty contacts:

Giuseppe Amoruso, Professor, INTBAU Italia Chair, Member ICTP

Università Roma Tre 25
Facoltà di Progettazione e Scienze dell’Architettura

Department of Architecture, Professor Elisabetta Pallottino teaches in the Master on Restauro architettonico e cultura del patrimonio (Restoration of Architecture and Culture of Heritage), continuing the studies of the acclaimed Professor Paolo Marconi.

Faculty contacts:

Elisabetta Pallottino, Professor


Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro (Querétaro)23

Dr. Ernesto Philibert did the initial work to develop this programme, which is now run by professor Ramón Abonce. Close collaborators have included David Lewis of Carnegie-Mellon University and Urban Design Associates, Nikos Salingaros of the University of Texas and Technical University of Delft, and Michael Mehaffy of INTBAU USA. The programme is primarily in Spanish, with some lectures and reading in English.

The Master of Architecture and New Urbanism seeks to respond to the uncontrolled growth that has taken place in cities in recent years. To that end, the masters programme, focusing on the approach of the New Urbanism, seeks to train professionals to help recover the best of traditional urbanism looking encourage the return of the habitable and accessible city, with suburbs designed for the pedestrian, that are functional, safe and integrated. The aim is to preserve the physical and cultural legacy of the region and the country without neglecting the conservation of the environment, ie, restoring the urban centers as places of conviviality and competitiveness.

Faculty contacts:

Ramón Abonce, Professor

Dr. Ernesto Philibert

New Zealand (Aotearoa)

UNITEC Faculty of Architecture & Design (Auckland)

Dr Branko Mitrovic is Professor and Programme Co-Ordinator for the B.Arch course.  He also teaches a six-month course in Classical Architecture, which has produced extraordinary results in its early years.

Rau Hoskins is Director of an architectural design studio teaching traditional Maori architecture. The studio has been going for several years now, and has some very talented students.

Faculty contacts:

Branko Mitrovic, Professor; formerly INTBAU College of Chapters

Rau Hoskins, Lecturer/Maori Studio Director

Puerto Rico

Universidad Politecnico (San Juan) 1,2

Faculty contacts:

Jorge Rigau
Juan Penabad


Institutions training in diverse building crafts:

CEARCAL – Centro regional de artesanía de Castilla y León:

Centro de Oficios de León:

Escola de Canteria de Pontevedra:

Museo Cal de Morón:

Real Fábrica de Cristales de La Granja:

Universities where there is faculty interested in Traditional Building Architecture and Urbanism:

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad del País Vasco, UPV-EHU (Donostia-San Sebastián)

Faculty contacts:

Javier Cenicacelaya, Professor, Member ICoH,

Artitz Díez Oronoz, Professor, INTBAU member,

Manuel Íñiguez, Professor, INTBAU member,

Imanol Iparraguirre Barbero, Professor, INTBAU member,

Lander Uncilla Cortaberria, Professor, INTBAU member,

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ETSAM-UPM (Madrid)

Centro de Investigacion de Arquitectura Tradicional (CIAT): traditional architecture research center which belongs to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and was established in 1996 to study, protect, diffuse and promote traditional architecture and building technics through an agreement with Boceguillas (Segovia) town council. It develops diverse activities, including workshops, conferences and research programs:

Faculty contacts:

Santos Garcia Álvarez, Professor, CIAT member

José Luis García Grinda, Professor, INTBAU member,

Alejandro García Hermida, Professor, CIAT member and INTBAU Spain Vice Chair,

Soledad García Morales, Professor, INTBAU member,

Julián García Muñoz, Professor, INTBAU member,

Eduardo Prieto González, Professor, INTBAU member,

Enrique Rabasa, Professor, INTBAU member,

David Rivera Gámez, Professor, CIAT and INTBAU member,

Miguel Sobrino, Professor, INTBAU member,

Fernando Vela Cossío, Professor, CIAT Director and INTBAU member,

Universidad Europea de Madrid

Faculty contacts:

Carlos Javier Irisarri, Professor, INTBAU member,

Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid)

Faculty contacts:

Jaime de Hoz Onrubia, Professor, INTBAU and CIAT member,

Carmen Moreno Adán, Professor, INTBAU member,

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Valencia)

UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture

Faculty contacts:

Valentina Cristini, Professor,

Lidia García Soriano, Professor,

Federico Iborra Bernat, Professor, INTBAU member,

Camilla Mileto, Professor, INTBAU member and UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture,

Javier Poyatos Sebastián, Professor,

Ana Torres Barchino, INTBAU member,

Fernando Vegas Lopez-Manzanares, Professor, INTBAU member and UNESCO Chair Earthen Architecture,

Universidad de Sevilla

Faculty contacts:

Antonio Gámiz Gordo, Professor, INTBAU member,

Francisco Gómez Díaz, Professor, INTBAU member,

Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)

Faculty contacts:

Fernando Quiles García, Professor, INTBAU member,

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Faculty contacts:

Francisco Javier Castilla Pascual, Professor, INTBAU member,

Ignacio González-Varas, Professor, INTBAU member,

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga

Faculty contacts:

José Manuel López Osorio, Professor, INTBAU member,

Universidade da Coruña

Faculty contacts:

Pedro de Llano Cabado, Professor,

Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)

Faculty contacts:

Albert Samper Sosa, Professor, INTBAU member,

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificación de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

Faculty contacts:

José Laborda Yneva, Professor, INTBAU member,

Francisco Javier López Martínez, Professor,

Universidad Jaume I (Castellón)

Faculty contacts:

Joaquín Ángel Martínez Moya, Professor, INTBAU member,


Lund University (LTH)
Masters Degree in Sustainable Urban Design (Lund) 24

A new Masters Degree in Sustainable Urban Design was launched at LTH in 2008. The two-year studio-based course aims to equip students to manifest specific social, economic and environmental intentions in physical form. Drawing on best practices and advanced research into urban form, urban quality, and sustainability, students design new neighborhoods for decaying urban districts as well as improved strategies for regional landscapes. Study trips to successful urban design developments in Europe provide opportunities for students to learn from both historic precedents and the latest practices.

The Ax:son Johnson Institute for Sustainable Urban Design at Lund University sponsors the master’s program and bring in prestigious guest professors and practitioners from around the world.

A unique feature is that there is no tuition fee: Students are only responsible for their own living expenses, books, materials and miscellaneous costs. There is also one free study trip each semester.

Hosts annual International Workshop Conference on Sustainable Urban Design

Faculty contacts:

Peter Elmlund, (Ax:son Johnson Foundation)

Johan R Deberg (Professor, Urban Planning, Department of Architecture; research project “Towards the Human City”)

Royal Institute of Technology
School of Architecture and Built Environment (Stockholm) 9

The first Scandinavian Full Master of Science Program in Urban Planning & Design (80 credits) starts in September 2006 at the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

Interested students with architecture, landscape architecture or urban planning background are invited to apply online.

Faculty contacts:

Dr Tigran Haas, UPD MSc. Program

United Kingdom – Dedicated Institutions

INTBAU UK (London) *V*

The International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism Central Office (INTBAU UK) has a range of academic projects. Dr Matthew Hardy (INTBAU Founding Secretary) is able to supervise doctoral research at The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts. He is also is one of the three founding editors of the Journal of Urbanism.

INTBAU UK publishes books arising from its peer-reviewed academic conferences, and maintains the guide to academies teaching New Urbanism and/or traditional design that you are now reading.

Faculty contacts:

Dr Matthew Hardy, Architect, INTBAU Secretary (retired)

The Prince’s Foundation (London) *V*

The Prince’s Foundation has been teaching architecture and urban design for over a decade.

The Poundbury Series, launched in 2007, is a series of seven lectures and tours which are an essential experience for those involved in the planning, design and building of housing developments in the UK and beyond. Those involved in the development of Poundbury, along with other experts, will demonstrate through a series of lectures, workshops and visits how to implement these cutting-edge ideas. The underlying principles, established by the masterplanner, Leon Krier, and put into practise by the Duchy of Cornwall, will be analysed to help improve popular and specialist understanding of the place.

As the government and development industry search for an appropriate model for sustainable development in the twenty-first century, the Poundbury Series offers the opportunity to reflect on a model initiated by The Prince of Wales twenty years ago, which continues to gain credibility, not only in the UK but around the world.

Over the next few years, The Prince’s Foundation will publish twelve books by some of the world’s leading figures in architecture and urbanism. The first three, by Leon Krier, Ray Gindoz, and David Cadman, are available to purchase here.

Faculty contacts:

Dr Matthew Hardy, Senior Lecturer in Architecture & Urbanism

The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts (London) *V*

The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts is a new institution incorporating the VITA School (see below).  The PSTA offers a wider range of courses including a PhD programme among the supervisors of which is Dr Matthew Hardy.

VITA was founded 16 years ago by Emeritus Professor Keith Critchlow to specialise in the arts and architecture of Islam, but has extended its interests to include the traditional arts of other civilisations. VITA aims to encourage an appreciation of the universal values that are fundamental to the art of the great traditions of the world.  VITA believes that the beauty of form, pattern and colour are not simply aesthetically pleasing or demonstrations of good design but are representatives of a more profound universal order.

VITA offers MA and PhD level courses in a variety of traditional disciplines.

Faculty contacts:

Khaled Azzam, Director; formerly INTBAU Steering Committee

Paul Marchant, Deputy Director; Senior Tutor

City & Guilds of London Art School


BA (Hons) Conservation: Stone, Wood & Decorative Surfaces

MA Conservation

Originally established after World War II to conserve and preserve London’s bomb-damaged architectural treasures, the Conservation Department has evolved over the last 73 years and runs a range of acclaimed conservation courses at BA (Hons), Graduate Diploma and MA level, with a very high success rate of graduates going directly into employment in the built heritage conservation sector.

Head of Conservation: Dr Marina Sokhan

Historic Carving

BA (Hons) Historic Carving: Woodcarving & Gilding

BA (Hons) Historic Carving: Architectural Stone

PgDip/MA Carving

City & Guilds of London Art School has an unbroken tradition of teaching sculpture, stone and wood carving since it was founded in 1879. We play a crucial role in keeping alive the skills essential for preserving the world’s most important monuments and buildings and are proud to offer the UK’s only BA and postgraduate courses in carving.

Head of Carving: Heather Newton

The Art School offers a study abroad programme and week-long courses as part of its annual Summer School.

Contact: or

UK universities with some dedicated courses or faculty members

Oxford Brookes University
International Vernacular Architecture Unit (Oxford)

The International Vernacular Architecture Unit aims to advance recognition and understanding of the meaning and importance of vernacular architecture traditions worldwide. Hosting the unique Paul Oliver Vernacular Architecture Library (POVAL) and providing a base for interdisciplinary, cross-cultural and comparative research, it promotes projects that extend the geographic, thematic and methodological scope of the field, emphasising the way in which vernacular traditions are of fundamental importance to the sustainable development of the world’s built environment.

2007 sees the introduction of an updated MA / PG Dip / PG Cert programme in International Architectural Regeneration and Development. This programme is offered by the Department of Architecture in the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes, offering a new module on Globalisation, Environment and Development, alongside the existing modules on issues related to vernacular architecture, regeneration and development.  The course includes international fieldtrips, a high-profile master class and a number of one-day workshops.

Faculty contacts:

Dr Marcel Vellinga, International Vernacular Architecture Unit

University of Buckingham 

MA in Western Architectural History by Research is offered through the School of Humanities.

This course is to be an interdisciplinary programme enabling students to examine, by way of a thesis of the usual length allowed for Buckingham Master’s degree dissertations, aspects of Western Architectural History from the medieval period to the mid-twentieth century. Students will be encouraged to consider the interrelation of architectural history, art history and social history.

Course Director:
Jeremy Musson, LLB (Hons), MPhil

University of Hertfordshire

From October 2011, a new MSc in Sustainable Planning is offered in the Division of Geography and Environmental Sciences.

Faculty contact:

Dr Richard Southern, Head of Division,

University of Oxford

Sustainable Urban Development part-time programmes

The Department for Continuing Education at the University of Oxford offer a MSc in Sustainable Urban Development delivered in partnership with The Prince’s Foundation. The two-year MSc in Sustainable Urban Development provides students with a rigorous and critical introduction to the policy and practice of sustainable urban development. The course exposes students to sustainable urbanism as both an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary subject at global and local scales. Attention is paid to the intellectual history of sustainable urban development, its current and future applications and practice, and the contemporary relevance of research to sustainable urban policy and practice across the world.

Course Director: Dr Nihan Akyelken

The Department also offers a part-time DPhil in Sustainable Urban Development. The DPhil provides outstanding students an opportunity to pursue in-depth and rigorous research about the pressing challenges of urban sustainability and the processes of environmental, economic, and social development in urban environments around the world.

Course Director: Dr Idalina Baptista


University of Strathclyde Department of Architecture (Glasgow) 12

A new Masters Course in Urban Design that started in September 2006 at the Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, is especially designed to address the needs for high quality urban design skills as identified by both the Government and professional institutions.

The course is design based and offers a multidisciplinary approach which includes economic, political, social, technical and cultural aspects to achieve a sustainable urban development. Faculty closely collaborate with both local planning institutions and international academic institutions to achieve excellence in urban design.

The course is open to full-time and part-time study; individual modules can also be booked for CPD and lifelong learning.

Faculty contacts:

Dr Ombretta Romice, Course Director

Tel: +44-(0)141-548-4219/3006 or Fax: +44-(0)141-548-3997

Robert Adam, Visiting Professor, INTBAU UK Chair

University of Portsmouth Department of Architecture (Portsmouth) 21

Peter Hodson describes himself as “still hanging on here” with no intention of retiring.  His Classical Course (unique in the UK) is supported “by the Head of Departments and colleagues (many of whom are former students, and are fans still)”.  Peter is also a C.P.D instructor for an AIA ‚Äì Accredited course in Classical Architecture in the US, and undertakes research in Classical Architecture.

Faculty contacts:

Peter Hodson, Senior Lecturer, Admissions Tutor

Kingtson University

Timothy Smith and Jonathan Taylor have been teaching a postgraduate M.Arch unit in classical architecture at Kingston University since 2013, following two years of teaching classical design at Year 2 of the B.Arch in architecture course. Craig Hamilton, Hugh Petter, George Saumarez Smith, and Matthew Hardy have all visited the unit for critiques and reviews.


Timothy Smith,

West Dean College, Chichester

The Building Conservation Masterclasses (BCMs) provide training in technical and practical skills in the repair and maintenance of historic structures.  All the courses are recognised by Historic England and adhere to its guidelines and standards aimed at improving building conservation practice.  They have been designed and are delivered by leading practitioners.
The Professional Development Diploma can be achieved through the successful completion of 10 BCMs and the submission of a final 3,000-word portfolio.

For further information you can visit the following website

Course organiser:

United States – Dedicated institutions

Please see the up to date INTBAU USA website for a list of current schools, organisations and traditional architecture and urbanism building groups.

Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA) (New York) 1

Runs seminars, study tours, summer schools and short courses in classical architecture.

Staff contacts:

Peter Lyden
ICAA President
Contact with any questions related to ICAAmembership
Contact with any questions related to ICAAeducational programming
Contact with any questions related to ICAAsponsorship, donations, travel programs, or public programs
Contact with any media or press related inquiries
Contact with general inquiries

Seaside Institute (Florida)

The Seaside Institute is a not-for-profit educational and cultural organization which supports the restoration of civic life to the community through conferences, workshops, forums and symposia for specialists, decision makers, students and the public.  It also sponsors residency programs for artists and scholars and presents concerts, exhibitions and literary events.

Faculty contacts:

Phyllis Bleiweis, Director CNU

United States – Dedicated university programs

Utah Valley University (B.Arch)

UVU’s Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) is a five-year professional degree that prepares students for leadership in the profession of architecture and urban design. The program at UVU emphasises education in the classical and vernacular architecture. Students will research the traditional principles and philosophies of history to encourage a sense of community, a balance and respect with our natural environment, and wise use of limited resources and energy. Program coursework will study the past to inform the future.

American College of the Building Arts (ACBA) (Charleston, South Carolina)

The American College of the Building Arts is committed to educating building artisans and preserving the building arts in a manner never before seen in America. ACBA educates and trains artisans in the traditional building arts to foster exceptional craftsmanship and encourage the preservation, enrichment, and understanding of the worlds’ architectural heritage through a liberal arts education. From ornamental ironwork to timber framing, our mission is to fuse contemporary practice and knowledge with tradition – to inspire a national renewal of craftsmanship. The hands we train will reinforce and protect our country’s building legacy as they work to save historic structures or create those that will one day earn such time-honored distinction.

Faculty contacts:

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Colby M. Broadwater, III, President

Simeon Warren, Dean & Professor of Architectural Stone

Snow College Traditional Building Skills Institute (Ephraim, UT) 16

Snow College in Ephraim, Utah serves as the home of the Traditional Building Skills Institute. The institute focuses on the construction and restoration of buildings rather than planning and urban design, and is perpetuating otherwise dying building skills. It is difficult to find contact details for TBIS on the website.

Faculty contacts:

John Lambert, Instructor, Organiser of TBSI’s study abroad program in England

University of Miami School of Architecture2,3,15

Traditionally-based bachelors program with emphasis on drawing and documentation. Masters program specializing in Suburb & Town Design, Center for Urban & Community Design, Institute for Traditional Architecture certificate program, Knight Program in Community Building. Hosts the TradArch listserv, owned by

Richard John, Former Director, Prince of Wales’s Institute of Architecture

Proposal exists to offer a distance learning Masters in New Urbanism accredited by the CNU, with faculty including Andres Duany.

Various travel programs are offered during breaks as well as semester programs in Rome for undergraduates and graduate students.  A curriculum of New Urban studios is currently being offered to undergraduate and graduate students. The second year undergraduate students are involved in the first New Urban studio integrated into the standard curriculum with professors from local firms (DPZ, Dover-Kohl, etc).

Charles Bohl is one of the three founding editors of the Journal of Urbanism.

Has hosted National Charrette Institute Charrette Planner‚Ñ¢ Certification courses.

Faculty contacts:

Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Dean; DP-Z; CNU founder

Denis Hector, Associate Dean

Joanna Lombard, Professor

Frank Martinez, Professor

Jean-Francois Lejeune, first Director of the program 1988-1995; PoW Urban Task Force Potsdam, Berlin

Jaime Correa, Coordinator Suburb & Town Design program

Allan Shulman

Charles C. Bohl, Director, Knight Program in Community Building

Richard John

Alumni contacts:

Jason Dunham

University of Notre Dame School of Architecture (South Bend, Indiana) *V*

The School of Architecture at the University of Notre Dame is committed to an architectural pedagogy that is based on the classical and vernacular design traditions of the world. The School’s curriculum aims to study and renew these traditions by integrating their received design wisdom and meaning with emerging social needs, priorities, understandings and technical advances. It is the faculty’s goal to prepare students to address, through architecture and urbanism, the urban and environmental challenges of contemporary societies worldwide, in order to safeguard our shared future for generations to come. The first Catholic university in America to offer a degree in architecture, beginning in 1898, Notre Dame now boasts nationally-acclaimed undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Architecture, Architectural Design & Urbanism, and Historic Preservation.

Faculty contacts:

Stefanos Polyzoides, Francis and Kathleen Rooney Dean
Selena Anders, Assistant Professor
Philip Bess, Professor
Robert Brandt, Professor of the Practice
Richard Bullene, Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Dean, and Academic Director of the Rome Studies Program
Kate Chambers, Assistant Professor of the Practice
Marianne Cusato, Professor of the Practice and Director of Housing & Community Regeneration Initiatives
Alan Robert DeFrees, Professor of the Practice
Judith DiMaio, Professor
Alejandro Duany, Associate Professor of the Practice
Richard Economakis, Professor and Interim Associate Dean of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work
Mari Yoko Hara, Assistant Professor
Stephen Hartley, Associate Professor of the Practice
Krupali Krusche, Associate Professor
Giovanna Lenzi-Sandusky, Associate Professor of the Practice and Director of Rome Relations
Michael Lykoudis, Professor
David Mayernik, Associate Professor
Ettore Mazzola, Professor of the Practice
Giuseppe Mazzone, Assistant Teaching Professor
John Mellor, Associate Professor of the Practice
Michael Mesko, Professor of the Practice
John Onyango, Associate Professor
Julio Perez Hernandez, Associate Professor of the Practice
Alessandro Pierattini, Assistant Professor
Ingrid Rowland, Professor
Samantha Salden Teach, Associate Teaching Professor and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies
Steven Semes, Professor and Director of the Michael Christopher Duda Center for Preservation, Resilience, and Sustainability
Duncan Stroik, Professor
Paolo Vitti, Associate Professor of the Practice
Jonathan Weatherill, Associate Professor
Samir Younes, Professor and Interim Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Curriculum

Virginia Tech Academy for the New Urbanism (Alexandria, Virginia)

Virginia Tech launched the “Academy for the New Urbanism” (ANU) in Fall 2005.  The program is aimed at providing needed implementation skills for practicing planners. The ANU (not to be confused with the Australian National University!) is also offering the National Charrette Institute’s courses through its program. ANU’s goal is to become the premier institution “retooling” the planning profession for the job of rebuilding North America.

Virginia Tech has a long NU-friendly pedigree and some illustrious NU Alumni in its ranks.  The school hosted part of the first Congress for the New Urbanism in 1992. Victor Dover and Joe Kohl of Dover Kohl, and Tom Low of Duany & Plater-Zyberk, studied architecture at Virginia Tech.

While the architecture school has been described as “a hotbed of unrepentant modernists”, the planning graduate school, particularly at the Alexandria Campus is said to be quite friendly to the NU way of thinking.  The affiliated Metropolitan Institute is doing some very significant research in a number of areas related to New Urbanism.

Faculty contacts:

Peter Katz, Professor in Practice, author of “The New Urbanism”

Alumni contacts:

Victor Dover, Dover Kohl & Partners

University of Colorado Denver College of Architecture and Planning (Denver, Colorado)

Christine Franck has been appointed the first Director of Contemporary Traditional Architecture Initiatives. This new position will help pull together a number of programmes and initiatives in the college around the theme of Enduring Places.

Faculty contacts:

Christine G. H. Franck, Director (

United States – Universities with some dedicated courses or faculty members

Andrews University Division of Architecture (Berrien Springs, MI) *V*

Traditional urban design and the craft of building are the heart of the curriculum at Andrews University Division of Architecture.  This Adventist university is located in beautiful countryside close to Berrian Springs in southern Michigan.

Faculty contacts:

Tom Lowing
Andrew C. von Maur, Professor of Architecture

Kristen von Maur

Mark Moreno
Lew Seibold, former director

Arizona State University
School of Geographical Sciences and School of Planning (Tempe, AZ)

Emily Talen teaches Urban form, sustainable cities, and New Urbanism at ASU. She is one of the three founding editors of the Journal of Urbanism.

Faculty contacts:

Emily Talen, Professor, Head of CNU Affordability Initiative

University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design2

More reports required for this school. Hosted Third New Urbanist Academic Symposium and hosts International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE).

Faculty contacts:

Harrison Fraker, Dean of the CED, Professor of Architecture

Christopher Alexander-oriented faculty?1,2

College of Charleston School of the Arts (Charleston, SC) 13

The College of Charleston has an undergraduate program in Historic Preservation and Community Planning that is very friendly to NU.

Ralph Muldrow teaches the orders and classical nomenclature in his May course ‘Traditional Design and Historic Preservation in Charleston’, using Charleston examples, and he includes some of this in other courses such as his ‘American Vernacular Architecture’ course.  Muldrow says he bases his teaching on his studies with ICA&CA people including Alvin Holm, and that he uses excercises from the course he taught at the ICA a few years ago.

Faculty contacts:

Ralph Muldrow

Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning2

Faculty contacts:

John Forester, Professor, Chair of the Dept. of CRP

John W. Reps, Professor Emeritus, history of American city planning

Alumni contacts:

Jose Gelabert-Navia

Florida Atlantic University Abacoa Project6

A resource centre for developers of NU communities.

“The Abacoa Project consists of activities that build effective and healthy communities, and services that ensure a vital civil society and responsible citizenry with a special emphasis on the emerging community of Abacoa and the southeast Florida region. ¬†The Project faculty brings the lessons of community building to communities seeking to improve neighborhood life and undertake sustainable development.”

Faculty contacts:

Marie York Tel: +1 561 799 8689

Ed Maietta Tel: +1 561 799 8526

Florida State University Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Faculty contacts:

Rick Hall (Visiting Assistant Professor, DP-Z consultant) teaches a masters level course in transportation and land use which focuses on TND concepts by Duany, Calthorpe and Nelessen.

University of Georgia College of the Environment and Design (Athens, GA)

New urbanist campus club (see New Urban News, March 2001 article). Hosts the Practice of New Urbanism listserv (Pro-Urb)

Click here to search the archives of the Pro-Urb list.

UGA had the first chapter of Students for the New Urbanism. Since it was formed it is said that there has been a softening on the part of faculty to encourage (or allow) projects that encompass NU principles rather than the familiar conventional suburban developments or strip malls.

Faculty contacts:

Jack Crowley, Dean, College of the Environment and Design; NU campus club advisor; CNU

Lucy Rowland, Science Collections & Research Facilities, UGA Libraries; owner-moderator, Pro-Urb listserv; CNU

Marianne Cramer, College of the Environment and Design; CNU

Student contacts:

Walter Kawa, Landscape Architecture postgraduate student

Jacob Lindsey, Landscape Architecture undergraduate student, Students for the New Urbanism

Georgia Insitute of Technology College of Architecture2,18

Traditional design has been steadily gaining in strength at GTech. The Harrison Design Associates Visiting Scholar in Historic Preservation and Adaptive Reuse, a recently-endowed chair, provides enough money to have an outside studio professor come for one semester a year to teach a graduate studio design course. Although it has been labeled an historic preservation course, it was endowed in the name of Dr. Elizabeth Dowling, an architecture professor at Georgia Tech who teaches and supports educating students in classical design.

The Harrison Design Associates Visiting Scholars so far have been Gene Surber (2003), Anne Fairfax (2004), Gregory Saldana (2005), and Richard Sammons (2006).  Christine Frank will fill the post in 2007. The position is sometimes used for a graduate studio and sometimes for an elective open to both undergraduates and graduates.  Augmenting these courses and Professor Elizabeth Dowling’s elective course in Classical Design, in 2006, and again in 2007, Jonathan Lacrosse will be offering a course in neotraditional residential design with prizes sponsored by Historical Concepts.

There are also several courses on New Urbanism.  Dr. Mine Hashas teaches two courses on Community Design and Development. The first is an introduction to the principles of new urbanism while the second focuses on more in-depth analysis of local new urbanist case studies. Brian Leary, the project manager of Atlantic Station, also offers an annual course using Atlantic Station as a case study for the process of integrating design, planning, permitting, construction, and marketing of new urbanism. These courses augment the urban design studios and other required coursework for the Master of Science degree with a concentration in Urban Design.

Faculty contacts:

Ellen Dunham-Jones, Director, Architecture Program; CNU

Elizabeth Meredith Dowling, Professor of Architectural History, author of

The American Classicist
Anne Fairfax, Visiting Scholar 2004; Fairfax and Sammons Architects

Parsons The New School for Design

Faculty contacts:

Dody Sager

University of Idaho
Idaho Urban Research and Design Center(Boise, ID) 14

The University of Idaho and particularly the urban center in Boise is said to be “very pro NU and Smart Growth”.

Faculty contacts:

Sherry McKibben, Director, UI/Idaho Urban Research and Design Center

Jacksonville State University Department of Psychology
(Jacksonville, AL)

Professor Steven Bitgood includes New Urbanism and smart growth as part of several of his environmental psychology courses.

Faculty contacts:

Steven Bitgood, Professor of Psychology

Judson College Department of Architecture (Elgin, Illinois) *V* 17

A new Traditional Architecture and Urbanism concentration started in 2007-08 at this thriving evangelical Christian college, and seems to be producing excellent results. Though some faculty members were skeptical about traditional design during our visit, the department has a strong history course and student traditional projects were judged on their own merits. New Urbanism is widely supported and from what we saw of student work, well understood. Elgin is a small town on the beautiful Fox River, just outside Chicago.

Faculty contacts:

Christopher Miller, Associate Professor

University of Kentucky College of Design2

Hosts CNU listserv

Faculty contacts:

David Mohney, Dean

University of Louisville
Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods Program (SUN)

SUN’s mission is to explore strategies, which foster empowering individuals in the community, promoting neighborhood revitalization and self-sufficiency achieved through community partnerships.  The program recently won Sierra Club and Industrial Economics citations and was a semifinalist in the Harvard Innovations in American Government awards in 2001.

Faculty contacts:

John I. Gilderbloom, Director of SUN and Principal Investigator, Urban and Public Affairs PhD Program

Massachussetts Insitute of Technology (MIT) School of Architecture2

More reports required for this school.

Faculty contacts:

Michael Dennis, professor

University of Michigan
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning *V*

Master of Urban Design Program includes components on New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Sustainable Communities, as well as what is described as “contemporary notions of a more transient world in technological flux”.  Course includes an annual Charrette that focuses on a neighbourhood or district in metropolitan Detroit, 45 minutes away.  Students are encouraged to attend other charrettes anywhere in the world. Architecture studios appear to be in the grip of Modernism, however.

Hosted Fourth New Urbanist Academic Symposium and hosts annual Midwest Regional Mayor’s Institute on City Design and a national academic conference on New Urbanism.

Faculty contacts:

Douglas Kelbaugh, Dean and Professor of Architecture & Urban Planning, former principal of Calthorpe & Associates, teaches Design, Theory, Practice, Housing and Charrettes.

University of Minnesota
College of Architecture & Landscape Architecture2

Design Center for the American Urban Landscape

Faculty contacts:

William Rees Morrish, professor and director, Center for the American Landscape, CNU Board of Dir.

Carol Swenson, interim director, senior research fellow, Design Center for American Urban Landscape

Thomas Fisher, dean

University of Nevada School of Architecture (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Runs 2 semester undergraduate / graduate studio course in New Urbanism and Traditional American Urbanism. Classes are conducted in downtown Las Vegas at the Historic Fifth Street School (1936).

Faculty contacts:

Steven Ressler van Gorp, Adjunct Instructor (part-time); AICP; Redevelopment Manager, Las Vegas Redevelopment Agency, City of Las Vegas; Founding editorial board member, Architecture Las Vegas magazine; Holds Master of Architecture with Honors from Washington University in St. Louis; Worked with Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk on early urban New Urbanist projects, such as Trenton, NJ (1988-89) and St. Louis Gate District (1990-92); has 21 years experience in Urban Design, Urban Planning, and Urban Development / Redevelopment of American cities.

University of New Mexico School of Architecture and Planning

Certificate Program in Town Design

Mark Childs is Director, Design Planning Assistance Center (DPAC) within the School of Architecture and Planning of this new course starting in Fall 2004. Childs and DPAC students have worked to improve parts of many New Mexico communities including Artesia, Laguna, Socorro, Dona Ana, Aztec and Clovis.

Some questions students will address include: What does it take to create a great town, a place that in and of itself gives life, dignity, joy and beauty?  What aspects of physical design support creating vital public squares, plazas and other civic spaces?  Can public art be an integral part of the urban design of these places?  How do the common areas reflect the town’s character?

Other points of concern include a town’s infrastructure, streets, platting patterns, building types and utility structures and how they influence architecture and the character of place.

Other courses include Civic Places and Public Art; Politics and the City; Urban Design Theory; Infrastructure Design and Planning; and the DPAC studio.

Faculty contacts:

Mark Childs, Director, Design Planning Assistance Center – DPAC.

University of North Carolina
Department of City and Regional Planning (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) 11

Said to support New Urbanism.

New College of Florida Division of Social Sciences (Sarasota, Florida) 5

New school recently broken away from University of South Florida.

David Brain teaches urban and community sociology, with a focus on the relationship between community building and place making.

Faculty contacts:
David Brain, Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of the Community Action Research Initiative, member of CNU and Seaside Board of Governors.

University of Oregon Department of Architecture10

Michael Fifield (a member of the CNU) teaches a seminar (winter term) on Community Design that is supportive of New Urbanism.

Faculty contacts:

Michael Fifield, Professor of Architecture

Alumni contacts:

Joy Rackley, M Arch 2005, Univ of Oregon

University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Design1,2

Formerly the Graduate School of Fine Arts. More reports needed about this school.

City & Regional Planning masters program

Urban Design program

Faculty contacts (Urban Design):

Gary Hack, Dean, Paley professor

Jonathan Barnett, Practice Professor in City & Regional Planning; CNU Board of Directors

Faculty contacts (Architecture):

Witold Rybczynski (Director, Real Estate Design and Development; Martin and Margy Meyerson Professor of Urbanism; Professor of Real Estate)

Joseph Rykwert, Paul Philippe Cret Professor of Architecture; Emeritus and Professor of Art History

Alumni contacts:

John Massengale, CNU, co-founder of Pro-Urb list, founder of Urbanists list

Russell Versaci
Mark Hewitt
Gautam Bhatia

Rutgers University
Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy (New Jersey)

Runs a series of courses on New Urbanism, including “Zoning for Communities of Place”.

Contact the office of the planning department at +1 732 932 3822 ext. 740 to get information of the courses Mr. Nelesson teaches there.  They are excellent.” (Louise Brodnitz)

Faculty contacts:

Anton E. Nelesson, Associate Professor

Savannah College of Art & Design Department of Architectural History

Sympathetic with New Urbanism and traditional architecture.  Offers undergraduate and master’s degrees in architectural history. The department also sponsors a biennial Savannah Symposium, in which traditional architecture and urbanism have been highlighted.

Faculty contacts:

David Gobel, Professor of Architectural History; CNU; ITA

Syracuse University1

Paul Malo, though now retired, teaches occasional studio in classical and traditional architecture. Some others said to be “hostile” to traditional design and New Urbanism.3,4

Faculty contacts:

Jean-Francois Gabriel1,2
Paul Malo, Professor Emeritus

University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design2

Faculty contacts:

Mark Schimmenti, Professor, formerly DP-Z.

T.K. Davis, Associate Professor, Hart Freeland Roberts Scholar, Director of

Nashville Civic Design Center

Alumni contact:

Hunter Gee, Looney Ricks Kiss

Keith Covington, Metro Planning Commission

University of Texas at San Antonio, College of Sciences20

Nikos Salingaros supervises Masters’ and Ph.D. students from all around the world.  A close collaborator of Christopher Alexander, he is developing new techniques for architecture and urbanism in our age of developing technology that preserve the lessons of the past. Advanced students have arranged research visits through their home institutions.  Salingaros occasionally teaches a seminar course in the School of Architecture, either alone, or in collaboration with Kenneth Masden.

Faculty contacts:

Nikos A. Salingaros, ICTP, INTBAU Committee of Honour, Professor of Mathematics

Kenneth G. Masden II, Associate Professor of Architecture

Tulane University School of Architecture1, 22 (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Hosts the New Orleans Architecture Database

Kenneth Schwartz (ex UVA) is the new dean. His master plan for Crozet, Virginia won a Charter Award from the Congress for the New Urbanism

Alumni contact:

Joanna Lombard

Yale UniversitySchool of Architecture2

Recent visiting faculty included a number of prominent New Urbanists and traditional architects, although generally faculty are said to be unsympathetic to NU or TD.

Dino and Paloma Marcantonio taught Classical Drawing at Yale in Spring 2006 and in the Spring of 2007.

Faculty contacts:

Robert A. M. Stern, CNU, ITA

Andres Duany & Leon Krier(Visiting faculty 2000-1, will not be returning)

Demetri Porphyrios(Visiting faculty fall 1999 – 2002)

Vincent Scully, Emeritus Professor; teaches architectural history in fall semester

Thomas Beeby

Alumni contacts:

Victor Deupi, UND, INTBAU, ITA, CNU

Scott Merrill
Ben Northrup (ITA)

Robert Orr (ITA)

Boston Architectural College

The Boston Architectural College is offering a ‘Professional and Continuing Education’ programme with a concentration in classical architecture. The curriculum is relatively new and still in the process of development. Further information is available on the BAC website.

ICTP – Member, INTBAU College of Traditional Practitioners
ICoH – Member, INTBAU Committee of Honour

*V* – Academies visited by INTBAU representative
1 – Academies published in “The Classicist”
2 – Academies listed in Duany‚Äôs “New Urbanism Timeline”
3 – Matthew Hardy (updated 2016)
4 – Sean J. Tobin
5 – Victor L. Deupi
6 – Lee Hardy
7 – Jaap Dawson
8 – Pedro P. Palazzo
9 – Tigran Haas
10 – Joy Rackley
11 – Tony Sease
12 – Ombretta Romice
13 – Robert D. Russell Jr & Ralph Muldrow
14 – Sherry Mckibben
15 – Matt Lambert
16 – Carl Morgan
17 – Michael Spadafore
18 – Ellen Dunham-Jones
19 – Audun Engh
20 – Nikos Salingaros
21 – Peter Hodson
22 – Andres Duany
23 – Michael Mehaffy
24 – Peter Elmlund

25 – Giuseppe Amoruso
New Urban News
The Town Paper
The Practice of New Urbanism listserv (Pro-Urb)
Institute of Traditional Architecture listserv (TradArch)
Euro-Urb Email Group

This list was originally prepared by:

Jason Dunham
Cooper Johnson Smith Architects
102 South 12th Street
Florida 33602

to whom many thanks.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to it since then.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated! – MH


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